Friday, October 9, 2015

Day 2 - New York

Headed out this morning east on 14th.

We made it to Union Square where we encountered  100 police having a rally. Ironically the "To Serve and Protect" side was facing them. One guy said, "That is right on cue."

We continued around to the eastside of the park and stopped near the Union Square subway entrance.
Police cars continued to park nearby while a host of people came by and voiced their opinions about the current tone of overstep in the USA.

A wonderful lady, Doris, came by and continued to shake her head as she said, "So sad".  She spoke to me for some time about that element in NYC. She also mentioned that this subway entrance housed a police station and holding area. Handcuffed men continued to be taken into the subway.

Lewis, an artist, talked about his life during the Vietnam draft and how the country was "snowed" and bought into this war. He was not.

A most wonderful lady stopped and talked at length about her person situation and the constant looking over her shoulder and the worry for the children. She was a caregiver and is also greatly concerned about the treatment of the elderly. Also brought up in her conversation was the upcoming election and the circus atmosphere and how we have been dumbed down.

We then moved through the park and stopped in a shady out of the way area. By stopping we found people approached more easily and the conversations were more deeply involved.

Daniel came by. He had lived in rural Virginia for sometime working on a farm before returning to NYC to go back to school. He spoke of the temptation of all the money and bribes given to some police spurned from their low pay scale and the need for pay to reflect the danger of the job. We also brought up teacher pay.

A very excited Miriam
We then moved the wall to the front of the park facing 14th. This drew a lot of attention and one such group was the "DP Scholars". They were a group of 5 interviewing people for a school project. Got to spend some time with them and answer they survey.

The DP Scholars: Keiasia Holeman, Rolando Aquino, Justin Sheppard, Emani Sanders, and Edelsa Majia.

Note: when pushing a wall through Manhattan, a great assistant is a good thing.

A visitor from Illinois, Ashley, came by to talk about her experience and life. She had moved back to help with her family having gone to school in NYC.

As the rain moved in and cut the day by an hour, we made it back to 6th.

Saturday we will be rolling out of 6th and 14th again heading east all the way to Con Edison and then loop back. Hope to see you there.


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