Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Day 1 - New York

What a day.

Much was learned today in regards to both public opinion about this piece and the logistics of pushing it around 14th Street.

A special shout out to Hjordis Linn-Blanford. She brought great street wise advice, passion, and muscle to help make this happen on Day 1.

The day started with Faded Glory heading West on 14th. We were met with great public opinion and emotion. It seemed many initially wanted to know what this was about and happy to find out.

Though most of the public opinion was positive there were several people that felt differently. At Hudson and 14th two guys became very heated after reading the postcard about Faded Glory. They went on and on about how this was stupid and did not represent what was right and became very hostile when I would not engage in their rants. After about 10 minutes I asked them to take a card and there was a blogsite listed on the back where they could voice their opinions....and they wanted nothing to do with this "stupid thing" and that they were sure I was voting for Bernie Sanders. He wanted to know why the police side of the piece did not have flowers.  I expected to encounter an opposing view....which I welcome....but they were so angry and in their own heads, there was no need to try to reason with them as they continued to pace back and forth.

It was amazing at how many young people were drawn to this wall. Some had amazing stories regarding their personal experiences and many of these conversations went on and on.

The children in this photo were all very energized. The small boy in yellow was less concerned about the image and more concerned about the construction. "How much does it weigh?, What is it made out of?" and so on.
It was really fulfilling to give the public an image from which they could draw these emotions out.

Some of the opinions today:

"You know the good guys finish last." Ben

"To secure and protect seems to have gone missing. It seems the "suits" are very visible during the day and at night no where to be found. In all there is enough for everybody but we are all distracted."

Kevin also wanted to talk further about surveillance and voting. He brought up a good point that is no one voted next year....what would happen.

"Thank you so much Terry." Unknown

"Pre-Giuliani 14th Street was great. The officers were all from this area and knew everyone. Then Giuliani shipped in police from Long Island and everything went crazy." Joshua Susie

"I am looking for a creative way to grieve and this piece has me thinking," Akim Funk discussing the loss of his Father.

"I live in the Bronx. If you get shot you lay there while the black guys step over you." Unknown

"White Supremacist Bastard." Spoken by three girls encountering the "To serve and protect" side of the wall. After seeing the other side they admitted being very wrong about this.

"I knew exactly what this was about when I saw it." Nicki

"I was watching two white guys fighting and ended up with a gun pulled on my and a knee to my throat when I was 15 in Long Island. She continued to talk about her mixed race family and how one side identifies as white and the other side as black. Ayanna

This is but a sampling of the day's conversations. The wall ended the day in Union Square. A place that has long been the site of change.

Faded Glory will hit the streets again Friday at noon from 6th Street heading East. 


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